March 2018: Finding Your First Steps & Upstreamists in Action


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Vol 1 Issue 1

Dear friends,

The journey toward upstream care starts with a single step. Then one more. And one more.


We’re making those concrete steps the center of our work at HealthBegins these days. Because we know the challenge we all face is no longer about convincing our colleagues that upstream care matters — it’s knowing how to make it happen.


So this month we’re launching two exciting new initiatives to support you in making those first, essential strides.


First, we’ve begun a collaboration with our friends at Healthify, a company that connects healthcare systems with ready-made databases of local service providers, plus tools for tracking referrals. Working together with Healthify, we can help you embark even better equipped.


Second, we’ve debuted Upstreamists in Action, a series on our blog that profiles pioneering upstreamists. This is where we celebrate your successes, from the minute to the momentous. The series kicks off today with a spotlight on Dr. Jennifer Sayles, chief medical officer at Inland Empire Health Plan, who is redefining the role a health plan can play in meeting patients’ social needs.


Just watch and you’ll see: As the series unfolds, our Upstreamists in Action will prove that the journey upstream is approachable and attainable, and that every little step is worth making.



Rishi Manchanda

New from The Upstreamist, the HealthBegins Blog:

How to Put a Number on the Value of Upstream Care

During our Feb. 27 webinar on financing medical-social partnership, participants had lots of questions about the value of CBOs’ services. HealthBegins Senior Fellow Victor Tabbush has answers.

A New Direction for Patient Engagement: Upstream

What’s the missing ingredient in the emerging practice of patient engagement? HealthBegins’ Sara Bader shares her epiphany from the IHI National Forum and initiates a new conversation about impact.

How to Share the Financial Risks and Rewards of Upstream Care

Health economist Victor Tabbush helped prove the business case for upstream care. Now he’s designing the business model. Here he explains how healthcare and community partners can devise fair payment systems to sustain this important work.

Radical Transformation: HealthBegins’ President Looks Ahead at 2018

There’s radical transformation afoot in 2018, as we all recognize that addressing the social influences on health is not only necessary — it’s possible. Rishi Manchanda sets the stage for the year ahead.

Coming soon! Watch for an invite to our April webinar:

From Hollywood to Health Equity: The Impact of Inclusion Riders

Inclusion riders took center stage at the Oscars this year. These are provisions that celebrities add to contracts to ensure that traditionally underrepresented individuals are included on their projects. And they amount to much more than a political statement, as we know the elimination of prejudice has a powerful impact on health. In this webinar, learn how these clauses can work in healthcare and how HealthBegins is starting to employ them.

Upcoming Events: Find HealthBegins Here

2-1-1 San Diego’s Community Information Exchange Summit
April 16-17 | San Diego
Forward-thinking speakers, panelists, and participants from across the nation engage in a powerful discussion about bridging health and social service sectors to build strong and thriving communities.

Healthology Symposium
April 18 | Southeast Michigan

Hosted by Oakland University School of Health Sciences, this event enables faculty, students, and community partners to celebrate impactful research and scholarship on health outcomes.

IHI Summit on Improving Patient Care
April 26-28 | San Diego

A wide range of health care professionals in a variety of settings — primary care practices, community hospitals, and those working in specialty and ambulatory care centers — explore ways to improve ​care for populations and promote the health of patients.

Upstream News

Curated highlights of happenings affecting upstream care. Links are not endorsements.

There’s a Lot to Learn from State Medicaid Experiments, But Only If They’re Carefully Evaluated
Health Affairs Blog

Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys
The New York Times

Uber Is Getting into the Medical Transport Business
The Verge

ER Use Goes Down as Hospital Program Pays Homeless People’s Rent
NPR’s Morning Edition

How Are Health Conversion Foundations Using Their Resources to Create Change on SDoH?
Health Affairs Blog

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