As health systems and health plans take steps to advance health equity, housing interventions have become a major priority. Beyond screening for housing instability and connecting people with housing resources, healthcare leaders are looking for ways to inform and support bold policy solutions to stabilize housing and keep patients healthy and in their homes. The deeply rooted structural racism of American housing policy is reflected in the disproportionate impact of housing instability and eviction on communities of color, and demands bold policy solutions centered on equity.
This webinar featured a presentation by CityHealth (a partnership of de Beaumont Foundation & Kaiser Permanente) focused on 2022 housing policy priorities, and highlighted a concrete set of policy solutions that healthcare leaders can support and advance in their communities to stabilize housing, prevent evictions, and promote access to affordable housing.
Watch to learn from vanguard housing justice advocates at PolicyLink and the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership about the critical role of legal aid for renters in improving health equity.
- Ellen Lawton, Senior Fellow, HealthBegins (host)
- Akeem Anderson, Government Affairs Director, CityHealth
- Rasheedah Phillips, Director of Housing, PolicyLink
- Bethany Hamilton, Co-Director, National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership
Webinar Objectives:
By the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Describe at least two policies that states, counties and cities can implement to stabilize housing, prevent evictions, and promote access to affordable housing.
- Identify how health systems and health plans, including Medicaid managed care plans, can support these policy reforms.
- Describe at least one action they can take within the next month to pursue a policy opportunity to prevent evictions and stabilize housing.
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