Risk/Reward Calculation Strategies

Community based organizations (CBOs) and healthcare entities are increasingly working together to address the health-related social needs of patients. As these partnerships are forged, questions emerge about financial risks – stemming from uncertainty about what services ultimately are going to cost and how effective they’re going to be – and how the partners should address them.



In this webinar, Dr. Rishi Manchanda, Professor Victor Tabbush, and Sadena Thevarajah review risk/reward calculation strategies to help organizations identify the optimal, most efficient payment models to ensure that financial risks and rewards are appropriately understood and shared between clinical and community partners as they address health-related social needs.



  • Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH, Founder & President, HealthBegins
  • Victor Tabbush, PhD, Adjunct Professor Emeritus, UCLA Anderson School of Management
  • Sadena Thevarajah, JD, Managing Director, HealthBegins


Webinar Objectives:

By the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe how to calculate financial risks and rewards for community-based organizations (CBOs) engaging in partnership agreements with healthcare organizations to address “upstream” social determinants of health.
  • List 5 different payment models that can be used by CBOs and health care entities to find the optimal balance of financial risk and rewards.
  • Describe financial challenges and opportunities for CBO-healthcare partnerships.


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